Section 1 - Our Mission Statement
To service the needs of the Victorian Polynesian community in promoting and preserving its cultural heritage, and to strengthen the integration of our community into the local environment and society.
Section 2 - Our Core Functions
- Promote Cultural Arts and Crafts of Polynesia,
- Expose individual as well as collective achievements in the Cultural Arts and Crafts,
- Obtain and develop a Polynesian Cultural Centre as a central gathering place to promote learning, develop individual interests and achievements in the Arts of Polynesia,
- Supplement and provide initiatives for wholesome family interests,
- Provide continuity within family and community groups to maintain Polynesian cultural interest,
- Provide a resource and information network to encourage and promote self reliance and dependency,
- Seek alternative means to broaden individual growth and scope in terms of employment, self worth and ideals,
- To encourage multicultural, social integration with other ethnic groups.
Section 3 - Our Profile
Section 4 - Our Management Organisation Structure
Section 5 - Overview of Te Roopu Atawhai Responsibilities
The overall role of the Executive Committee is to oversee the operations and activities of the organisation, and to make sure Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. fulfils its aims.
Legal obligations and considerations
These may include meeting the requirement of a range of federal, state and local government laws and regulations. Examples are: incorporation, insurance permits, licenses, copyright, defamation, occupation health and safety, awards and taxation. Committees incur responsibilities under:
- Associations Incorporation act
- Occupational Health and Safety act
- Industrial Relations Law
- Equal Opportunities Act
- Anti-discrimination acts
- Australian common law with regard to damage to property or to persons.
Financial obligations and considerations
To ensure that there are adequate funds for the operation of the organisation, that the organisation works within the limits of these funds, that records are kept and receipts, payments; and that funds and other assets are accounted for. The following things need to happen:
- development of a funding strategy,
- obtaining funds,
- drawing up budgets,
- monitoring expenditure,
- bookkeeping,
- financial statements and audits,
- negotiating funding and services agreements,
- reporting on the use of funds.
The Executive Committee, senior portfolio managers, portfolio managers, portfolio officers and all other delegates assigned to various functions, begin with designing job descriptions, through to member recruitment, training, supervision and support, discipline, dismissal and welfare considerations of members. They include occupation health and safety issues and the development of membership policies.
Premises and equipment responsibilities
Mean ensuring that the premises, facilities and physical resources are provided and maintained so that services are provided properly and safely.
Planning and Policy responsibilities
Involve making sure that the guidelines and policy framework are provided for everyone in the organisation to know where it is headed, what it aims to achieve, and how each job fits into the overall plan.
Promotion and marketing responsibilities
Involve raising awareness and publicising the organisation aims, services and achievements. The credibility of the organisation with consumers, funders, policy makers and the wider community will depend on how well this promotion is done.
Reporting and accountability responsibilities
To inform and involve consumers, association members and the wider community. Funders and policy makers also need to be kept informed about the organisation and its achievements.
Becoming an incorporated association is the best way of limiting liability for individual members, because the incorporated body is the legal “person”, separate from the individuals concerned.
Under the Associations Incorporation Act, Committee members are protected from being sued personally and from risking their personal funds, property and other assets as a result of any legal action taken against the TRA, provided always that the Committee as a whole and individual Committee members have acted within the requirements of the Constitution and according to the legal requirements of the various Acts which govern the conduct of community association as a legal entity.
Failure to follow legal requirements, and operating outside the Constitution, may place Committee members in a position of negligence of their duties and subject to individual legal action. To safeguard Committee members who are acting in good faith in the best interests of the association of TRA carries a variety of insurance including public liability insurance, volunteer insurance, work cover insurance and employer liability insurance.
According to the Associations Incorporation Act a member or former member of the committee of an incorporated association must not knowingly or recklessly make improper use of:
- His or her position in the incorporate association; or
- Information acquired by virtue of his or her position;
So as to gain, directly or indirectly, any pecuniary benefit or material advantage for himself or herself or any other person, or so as to cause a detriment to the incorporated association, Maximum penalty -60 penalty units ($6000).
The Victorian Council of Social Service, Management Support and Training unit (October 1991) identifies several issues for Committee members to be aware of, including the possibility that legal action could be taken for dereliction of duty if they do not exercise their responsibilities with care. Legal action is possible from employees, creditors, consumers and clients, members and government departments. Australian laws regard non-profit incorporated bodies as equivalent to companies and use the same principles to assess negligence.
These principles are:
- Act with honesty and in good faith
- Act with care and diligence
- Act loyally and avoid conflicts of interest
- Avoid abuse of opportunity and information
- Act in the best interests of the organisation
- Exercise powers for their proper use.
Members are covered by TRA public liability insurance policy while working at or on behalf of TRA. It is important that members record their presence and attendance on the attendance sheet so that confirmation of your attendance can be given in the event of a claim or incident.
Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. is currently insured from the 23rd March 2010 to 23rd March 2011. (Please be advised that the renewal process is underway)
Section 6 - Role of the executive Committee
The responsibilities of the Office Bearers of TRA are included in the Constitution of the Association, and these roles and responsibilities must be adhered to on all occasions. The TRA constitutional guidelines will take precedence over other community guidelines, except where these are overridden by legislation.
The Executive of the Committee of Management considers and takes action upon:
- Issues referred by the Committee of Management
- Issues of urgency arising between the Committee meetings
- Issues referred to the Executive by the Executive Officer
The TRA Executive of the Committee of Management personnel nominated and duly elected for the above positions, have been deemed to have the required competencies (knowledge and experience) to carry out their tasks to a good “professional” standard.
Section 7 - Committee of Management
The Management Committee for TRA refers to those members who are elected or appointed to manage on behalf of its constituent members. These elected or appointed members include: The Executive Committee, senior portfolio managers, portfolio managers, portfolio officers and all other delegates assigned to various functions.
The TRA is a not for profit, community-based organisation which elects its committee members annually from its general membership and seeks nomination of members onto the Committee of Management. Under its Constitution the Committee of Management has responsibility for:
- Leadership responsibility, to guide and oversee TRA operations and developments
- Financial responsibility to oversee accountability of funds
- Forming Sub-Committees for completion of particular tasks
- Publicising and promoting TRA services
- Developing workable policies for the organisation
- Recruiting, managing and terminating members and supporters
- Supporting and assisting members and supporters
- Monitoring and evaluating programs against objectives
- Establishing consultative communication.
The roles and responsibilities of the Committee of Management are important, serious and have legal ramifications for members, individually and jointly, and for the association as a whole, including other association members and other organisations with whom TRA contracts mutual service agreements.
It is an expectation of funding bodies that the persons volunteering for and elected to positions of responsibility on the Committee have the necessary commitment and the required expertise, acquired either through appropriate training and/or experience, to carry out the duties and responsibilities in a competent manner. This means that Committee members will become fully aware of their obligations as identified through this Policy and Procedures Manual, and as identified in the service agreements contracted with funding bodies, and comply with the standards of skill, practices and behaviours required to fulfil their obligations.
Where appropriate, Committee Members agree to attend relevant training or briefing sessions to familiarise themselves with current knowledge requirements pertinent to their level of responsibility.
Desirable Committee of Management competencies (acquired either through professional qualifications or practical experience) include:
- Knowledge and/or experience Maoritanga;
- Knowledge and/or experience of the delivery of the services to Maoritanga;
- Knowledge and/or experience in the fields of:
- Human Resources
- Policy & portfolio Development
- Service Delivery
- Financial Management
- Community Relations
- Community Involvement
- Legal Matters
- Act as Chairperson of each meeting of the TRA (If there is not a quorum of members present the Chairperson adjourns the Meeting until another date)
- Act on behalf of the Committee of Management in compliance with the Constitutional and policy guidelines set by the Committee of Management and other relevant authorities
- Report to the Committee on activities undertaken on behalf of the TRA between meetings
- Take on a decision-making role in emergencies or between Meetings when necessary
- Management team leader
- Review all reports by the Senior portfolio Manager on all portfolio activities and tasks and provide feedback to the Senior portfolio Manager where and when needed
- Stand in for the Chairperson in his/her absence
- Support the Chairperson’s role
- Attend all Executive Committee meetings
- Ensure Financial Accountability Reports are provided to funding bodies
- Report to COM on financial position of TRA
- Financial planning/budgets
- Auditing of accounts
- Ensure that receipts and payments are properly accounted for as per constitutional and other legal requirements
- Take minutes of Committee of Management and AGM meetings
- Accept nominations for Committee of Management elections. (For elections for Committee members the secretary must receive nominations not less than 7 days before the AGM)
- In the event of expulsion of member(s), the Secretary must contact the person(s) and advise them of the intended action
- Notify Committee of Management of meeting dates, time, venue and agenda
- Notify members of Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings
- Keep an induction manual (policy book) for the information of new members
- Retain up to date copies of:
- Constitution
- Assets Register
- Policy/Procedures Book
- Keep a register of the membership
- To produce the Annual Statement for TRA for submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria,
- Organise meetings for Committee of Management for community relations purposes etc, to inform members and public about TRA
- Assist in the preparation of AGM reports
- The official contact with the corporate affairs office regarding the lodging of the constitution objects of association, annual returns etc
- Anything that has any legal implications assigned to it will be dealt with by the PO i.e. Insurance, memberships, constitution,
- Review AGM reports
- Ensure that all requirements have been met
- Review any contractual agreements
- Development of policies and procedures where required
Section 8 - Other Committee Members
- Attend all Committee of Management meetings and relevant sub-committee meetings
- Assist in the formation of subcommittees
- Take on the role of missing executive members. Attend community functions/events to represent TRA
- Contribute personal skills, expertise and community networks to further the interests and objectives of TRA
- Liaise, correspond and update the Chair of the Exec committee on all activities relevant to your portfolio
- Seek advice from the Chair of the Exec committee when and if needed.
- Develop a portfolio plan that incorporates all current and future activities of TRA and align these with its relevant portfolio as provided below.
- Existing portfolio portfolios include:
- Education Portfolio
- Community Portfolio
- Creative Arts Portfolio
- Performing Arts Portfolio
- Sports & Recreation Portfolio
- Organisational Portfolio
- Health & Fitness Portfolio
- Present the portfolio plan indicating milestones to the Executive Committee for final approval
- A portfolio officer (PO) will be assigned to each portfolio; the portfolio officer will carry out all portfolio activities and will liaise with the senior portfolio manager on a regular basis.
- Prepare and provide a portfolio outline for each portfolio officer; needs to include all portfolio activities and milestones
- Arrange regular meetings with portfolio officers
- Provide support and assistance to portfolio officers when needed
- Prepare progress reports for the executive committee prior to executive meetings, include achieved milestones where relevant
- Consult and seek approval with the Executive Committee on viable portfolios that may deem beneficial for TRA
- Responsible for the overall management and administration of all portfolios TRA assigns,
- Development of a Work Plan which meets the objectives of TRA goals and strategic planning, and the development and delivery of appropriate programs and services in response to identified needs and priorities.
- Coordinate the operation of all the activities of Nationals competition in New Zealand. This entails organising delegates and their portfolios.
- Need to ensure that progress reports have been received, and organising meetings for the working party
- To have a clear view of the TRA objectives and be accountable to the community, as guided by the Committee of Management
- Convey direction, supervise and distribute tasks amongst personnel and delegate tasks where appropriate.
- Provide feedback and input to the Committee of Management and to liaise with the Committee of Management on matters of importance
- Manages the day-to-day operational and tactical aspects of multiple and large scale portfolios.
- Minimise TRA exposure to risk including managing scope and mitigation thereof across all portfolios.
- Determine appropriate revenue recognition, ensures accurate invoicing, and monitors receivables for all portfolios under his/her direction.
- Serves as a key participant in all portfolio and committee meetings, Executive or otherwise.
- Effectively and tactfully communicate sensitive information and communicate relevant portfolio/practice information to portfolio officers and members of TRA.
- Handle difficult personnel situations directly, using appropriate discretion, committee advice, and respect for the individual.
- Identify opportunities for change and internal improvement by developing plans for implementation and conveying the need for change to the proper portfolio or committee.
- Evoke creative and innovative thinking from portfolio officers and team members while helping them to bring their ideas and visions to fruition.
- Aid in determining new and creative ways to employ teams to portfolios and distribute responsibilities.
- Assesses training needs and select training tools for all portfolio officers across all portfolios.
- Review the status reports of team members across portfolio and addressee issues as appropriate.
- Complies with and enforces standard policies and procedures.
Section 9 - Grievance Policy & Procedure
Section 10 - Meeting Procedures
(see 2011 CONSTITUTION here)
Section 11 - Kapa Haka Portfolio
- Prior to making an application or submitting a proposal for sponsorship applications, you will need to seek consent from the entire SFG and the Executive Committee.
- Develop a database for resources, contacts and sponsors.
- Provide progress report to the executive committee on the sponsorship, fundraising and grants portfolio and its progress.
- Liaise with the Sponsorship portfolio officer regarding any enquiries or needing any assistance
- Seek advice from the Senior portfolio manager when and if required.
- Provide support to all other delegates within your portfolio.
- Make applications and submit proposals for sponsorship and funding applications.
- Develop a database for resources, contacts and sponsors.
- Attend Victorian Maori Festival committee meetings as the representative and provide feedback to TRA when and if required
- Explore all sponsorship opportunities and identify deadlines.
- Complete all the sponsorship and funding applications.
- Submit all sponsorship and funding applications.
- Create and maintain a database for resources, contacts and sponsors.
- Examine various methods for fundraising opportunities.
- Liaise with the senior portfolio manager on requirements for contractual arrangements.
- Prepare progress reports for working party meetings.
- Compile all sponsorship forms and make the necessary enquiries regarding offers.
- Provide the relevant bank details to sponsors when and if requested.
- Record and document all transactions for deposits of donations/sponsorship.
- Provide an update report to the Executive Committee regarding any received donations/sponsorship.
- Securing sponsorship to assist with the publicity and funding of marketing portfolios;
- Identify any potential fundraising events
- Source any venues for TRA events
- Source costings for all fundraising event materials etc
- Liaise with the Sponsorship portfolio officer regarding any enquiries or needing any assistance.
- Provide a brief report on progress of activities to the SFG and the Sponsorship portfolio officer
- Liaise and contact venues in regards to accommodation and booking arrangements.
- Liaise and coordinate with the treasurer regarding the approval and acquisition of funds for the entire cost of the Waananga
- Organise logistics regarding pick up/ drop off of all equipment – mattresses, cookers, cutlery etc.. to and from the venue
- Organise Roopu cleaning rosters and teams, as well as kitchen crew rosters
- Organise and keep track of all monies to be acquitted in the expense report to the Executive Committee
- Formularise, document and institute all processes, policies and procedures for recommendation to be tabled with the Executive. Committee
- If Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. represents Australia at Te Matatini,
- Make all the necessary enquiries regarding marae Hirage and requirements.
- Organise all accommodation with available marae wherever Te Matatini Nationals are being held.
- Find out if catering is available, if so enquire about the costs to pay workers and food
- If catering is not available then ask for a recommendation regarding food costs and inform the marae that money will be sent prior to our departure from Australia.
- Find out what the maximum numbers that the marae can hold (200 required), and organise any other relevant arrangements as requested by the portfolio Officer.
- Inform the roopu of the protocol of the marae and any requirements that need to be met i.e. boundaries, tikanga etc.
- Your role is to liaise and contact travel agencies in regards to cheap/budget travel state wide, interstate and internationally.
- Liaise with other portfolios so that an application for sponsorship can be submitted to various airlines i.e. Emirates, Qantas, and Air New Zealand, this can be discussed further with the SFG portfolio Manager.
- Plan itineraries, and arrange accommodations and other travel services for members of TRA:
- Submit proposals to the Executive Committee to determine destination, mode of transportation, travel dates, financial considerations, and accommodations required.
- Provide members with brochures and publications containing travel information, such as local customs, points of interest, and special events, foreign country regulations such as consular requirements and currency limitations.
- Compute cost of travel and accommodations in conjunction with, carrier tariff books, hotel rate books, or quotes package tours’ costs.
- Organise transportation to and from Airport, to and from Destination, and hotel reservations
- Prints or requests transportation carrier tickets, using computer printer system or system link to travel carrier.
- Find out what bond and deposit is needed
- Find out the costs for destination airport taxes
- Organise pick up from airport on the date of arrival
- Need to organise a designated driver for the bus (preferably driver acquainted with destination stay and protocol)
- If Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. represents Australia at Te Matatini,
- Driver would be needed from the (date of arrival to date of departure)
- Bus and driver may need to be rebooked from time to time.
- Bus and driver needs to pick up all members from the Te Matatini area to Auckland later that day.
- Bus and driver will be utilised for excursions and outings.
- Bus and driver to drop off to airport on the date of departure.
- Prepare and maintain the performing, travel and powhiri uniforms for all performing members.
- Customs Checks including finding out what the requirements and costs are for luggage, and customs regarding piupiu and traditional weapons and instruments.
- Prepare the performance uniform and make the necessary alterations if needed.
- Gather and record all traditional uniform for custom requirements i.e. piupiu, putaatara, taiaha, patu etc.
- Prepare and organise budget for the travel and powhiri uniform.
- Record and monitor all outgoing uniform pieces and items.
- Record and monitor all outgoing instruments and traditional weapons at each performance.
- Maintain a record of all expenditures for uniform materials and items.
- Organise registrations, liaise with the Victorian Maori Festival Committee, Nga Kapa Taumatateitei and Te Matatini (re: requirements and procedures)
- Attend all Victorian Maori Festival committee meetings as the representative and provide feedback to TRA
- Act as an ambassador for Te Roopu Atawhai Inc.
- Make necessary enquiries regarding Registration Fees.
- Find out the costs for entrance fees for members and whanau.
- Find out the costs for any other related festival activities.
- Make the necessary arrangements for payment of all fees.
- Request a copy of the current guidelines, rules and requirements.
- Maintain contact with Victorian Maori Festival Committee, Nga Kapa Taumatateitei and Te Matatini regarding the program.
- Inform Victorian Maori Festival Committee, Nga Kapa Taumatateitei and Te Matatini of accommodation arrangements for the roopu.
- Ask to be informed of any changes or amendments to program, planning and requirements.
- Find out the costs for parking and arrangements for all vehicles (are permits needed?)
- Liaise with local kapa committee for updated reports.
- Find out when and where the Powhiri is being held.
- Inform the group and working party of your progress.
- Liaise with Te Matatini officials with regard to the running sheet – sound check, check in with back stage manager etc…
- Official representative of Te Roopu Atawhai Inc.
- Direct, and implement appropriate pricing, payment policies/ procedures and act in all good faith for the betterment and always in the interests of Te Roopu Atawhai Inc.
- ensure that a balance of Gig Suppliers is maintained to prevent monopolising certain avenues of income, or in anyway portray that certain avenues of income may seem to be monopolised.
- Liaise and contact local Victorian events centres and halls for performances/shows and rehearsals. Need to liaise with the Senior portfolio manager and Sponsorships, Fundraising & Grants portfolio Officer regarding availability of venues.
- Organise, tender and source appropriate personnel members to perform at scheduled events and shows for the Roopu.
- Maintain a database of all contacts, venues, correspondence and paperwork generated on behalf of the Roopu
- Devise and re-draft where necessary, forms, databases, policies and procedures to aid in the efficiency and effectiveness of the day-to-day organising of events for the Roopu
- Submit all necessary invoices, statement of supplier forms, confirmation letters etc to the supplier of the event to ensure correct and timely payment.
- Re-submit all necessary invoices, statement of supplier forms, confirmation letters etc to the supplier of the event if payment has not been received within 2 months.
- Inform the membership and the Executive Committee of potential performances and show dates
- Manage day-to-day client interaction and expectations for multiple or large-scale portfolio.
- Anticipate client needs and propose alternative business solutions.
- Continually seek and capitalise upon opportunities to increase customer satisfaction and deepen client relationships.
- If and when required, organise venues for performances or rehearsals and liaise with tutors for dates and bookings.
- Provide assistance to the Sponsorships, Fundraising & Grants portfolio when required
- Organise and co-ordinate members daily itinerary planner, outings & day trips.
- If Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. represents Australia at Te Matatini,
- Develop a daily planner with allocated groups for marae duties and tasks i.e. cleaning groups (marae, kitchen, toilets, grounds and rubbish, luggage and storage rosters etc).
- Develop a separate daily itinerary for all outings to the festival.
- Coordinate all itinerary and daily planners and inform all members of whanau.
- Develop a separate itinerary for all post festival activities (day trips, tamariki outings and visits)
- Post festival activities may include day trip to Rotorua at Tamaki Village and Skyline Sky rides (Luge rides). Need to enquire about costs for both and look at group concessions.
- Include on the itinerary a stop in at Taupiri Maunga in Taupiri for 30 minutes.
- Include on the itinerary marae accommodation in Auckland till date of departure.
- Invite schools to the marae for a concert show to share with whanau and tangata whenua.
- Find out costs for local Auckland activities i.e. Wairua Hot pools and Rainbows End. Need to look at Group concessions.
- Include a debriefing session on the day BEFORE departure in the evening for all members.
- Departure from Auckland airport.
- Provide mentorship and coordinate rangatahi activities and act as a mediator for fellow peers.
- Provide mentorship for rangatahi i.e. support for rangatahi.
- Develop leadership skills and work with rangatahi to provide support and guidance.
- Act as a mediator for any disputes that rangatahi may experience.
- Lead by example, and encourage rangatahi to participate in any scheduled activities
- Encourage rangatahi to work together and discuss things openly in a constructive way.
- Inform rangatahi of any plans or arrangements made.
- Panui any information to rangatahi as requested by the tutor, committee and working party members only.
- Inform and consult with tutor, committee and working party members on any urgent matters or issues.
- Request assistance by the tutor, committee and working party members if and when required.
- Prepare all advertising and promotional material for the Roopu to ensure maximum market saturation of Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. Products, services and name
- Write, prepare and distribute Press Releases regarding new proposals and maintain Roopu profile information ensuring its currency
- Prior to the release of any promotional material or preparing photo shoots with photos and images of Te Roopu Atawhai Inc. Members, prepare consent forms for members to complete in order to comply with the current Privacy Policy
- Design, arrange and seek approval from the Executive Committee of any promotional material ready to be released
- Provide advice and support to the Executive committee on all marketing and advertising issues when required including analysing pricing positions, monitoring competitor activity; assisting in the delivery of approved strategies and managing budgets, evaluating marketing campaigns;
- Contribute to and develop long-term marketing plans and strategies by implementing and facilitating the “Marketing Strategic Plan” for the Executive Committee when required;
- Undertake as required, necessary market research, market goals, market strategies and to monitor and control the success or otherwise of the entire marketing campaign.
- Submit to the committee all marketing documentation including: SWOT analyses, market strategies and research.
- Liaise and build relationships with a range of stakeholders including customers, suppliers, members, colleagues, and the media;
- Developing advertising opportunities, which can involve placing adverts in national, regional and specialist publications or on the radio;
- Manage the production of marketing materials, including leaflets, posters and flyers, which also involves writing and proofreading copy and liaising with designers and printers;
- Arranging for the effective distribution of marketing materials;
- Maintaining and updating mailing databases;
- Carrying out market research and customer surveys to assess demand, brand positioning and awareness;
Section 12 - Sports & Fitness Portfolio
Please be advised that these policies & procedures are still being formulated.